
May 22, 2006 / Comments (0)


Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina

By signing the Memorandum on Establishing of Mechanisms for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Justice Sector Reform Strategy in BiH (JSRS) with the Ministry of Justice of BiH in January 2010, the responsibility of five civil society organizations for the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of reform measures and activities of the BiH Justice Sector Reform Strategy Action Plan was established.

Relying on years of advocacy experience in the field of democratization and protection of human rights, and knowledge of issues in the justice sector in BiH, Association for Democratic Initiatives – ADI together with Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina – HK BiH, Association “Vaša prava Bosnia and Herzegovina “, Tuzla Human Rights Bureau and the Center for Civic Initiatives – CCI have engaged in the reporting process with the aim of contributing to the building of an independent and efficient BiH justice system, accountable to all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and aligned with their needs.

In this regard, the establishment of a mechanism to assess and monitor the implementation of the JSRS for civil society organizations is an indicator of the positive changes and the opening of institutions in the justice sector in BiH.

The joint reports of the five CSOs are an assessment of the implementation of reform measures and activities of the JSRS Action Plan by the competent institutions. Each organization is committed to monitoring the implementation of the JSRS within each strategic pillar, which is broadly in line with each organization’s priority area of ​​activity. ADI monitors the reform activities related to Pillar 1 – Judiciary.

The joint reports of the five CSOs are available under the category Publications.