Public Information Posters – HJPC

May 9, 2013 / Comments Off on Public Information Posters – HJPC


Within the project “Support to the Judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Strengthening Prosecutorial Capacities in the Criminal Justice System” of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HJPC), implemented activities are aimed at improving the public perception of the role and work of prosecutors.

In this regard, information posters were prepared in order to present to the general public, in a clear and concise manner, the mandate and role of prosecutors in the criminal justice system of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The posters provide information on the prosecutorial system, the rights and duties of prosecutors, and other information relevant to the proper presentation of the role and mandate of prosecutors in criminal defense proceedings, and are divided into thematic areas:

Prosecutorial system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, TuzilackisistemuBiH2013-BOS

The rights and duties of prosecutors, Pravaiduznostituzioca2013-BOS

Reporting a crime, Prijavljivanjekrivicnogdjela2013BOS

Access to information under prosecution control, Pravonapristupinformacijama2013BOS