The House of Peoples adopted the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination

July 15, 2016 / Comments Off on The House of Peoples adopted the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination


At the 21st session of the House of Peoples held on July 14, 2016, the House of Peoples of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly has adopted the Bill amending the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination in BiH.

The committee responsible endorsed the proposed Law with nine amendments adopted, which became an integral part of the text of the Law. The adopted Proposal for Amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination in BiH is aligned with four Council of the European Union directives, under which BiH has committed itself to respecting the principle of non-discrimination.

The aim of the proposed Law is to improve the existing procedures and to overcome certain inconsistencies in the existing provisions, which have been identified in the process of implementation of the Law, which would enable a more consistent implementation of its provisions.

This Law enhances existing legal solutions in accordance with the basic principles of public administration and facilitating access to and exercise of citizens’ rights in proceedings in administrative bodies.

Given that the Law in the House of Peoples was adopted in a different text than in the House of Representatives, it will be necessary to harmonize the adopted Law.

Here you can download Prijedlog izmjena i dopuna Zakona o zabrani diskriminacije