Public Speaking and Film Projection “Hate Crimes”, Doboj December 20, 2016

December 20, 2016 / Comments Off on Public Speaking and Film Projection “Hate Crimes”, Doboj December 20, 2016


On December 20, 2016, the ADI, in cooperation with its partner organization “Topeer” Doboj, held a Public hearing on the topic “Hate crime and hate speech”, as well as projection of the educational film “Hate crimes”. Public hearing was attended by a significant number of representatives of local NGOs, local media, government, high school students, and “Topeer’s” volunteers.

Participants of the Public hearing had the opportunity to express their opinion, to point out to hate crime and hate speech in their community, to learn more about specifics of hate speech and hate crime, what is hate speech and hate crime, as well as get more information on legal aid and other mechanisms and preventive activities that may be undertaken in their community in order to adequately respond to hate crimes. The Public hearing and the movie projection was held within the project “Fighting against hate speech and hate crime”.