Mid-Term Report
Developed by BiH Civil Society Initiative for UPR
BiH Civil Society Initiative for UPR is an informal coalition of fourteen civil society organisations from across Bosnia and Herzegovina which act in various fields of promotion and protection of human rights. Members of the BiH Civil Society Initiative for UPR are: Sarajevo Open Centre, BH Journalists, Civil Rights Defenders, CURE Foundation, Transparency International in BiH, Association „Zemlja Djece u BiH“, CA Why Not, Civil Society Promotion Center, Association „Vaša prava BiH“, TRIAL International, My Right – Empowers People with Disabilities, CA for Promotion of Roma Education “Otaharin”, Association for Democratic Initiatives, and Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa) Banja Luka.
The report is compiled by the organizations (in alphabetical order): Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), BH Journalists Association, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka (HCA BL), MyRight – Empowers people with disabilities, Sarajevo Open Centre (SOC), Transparency International BiH (TI BiH).
The text of the report is available here:
Joint Submission – Universal Periodic Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina