The manual „Situational Testing of Discrimination – Manual for Activists“ was published within the project “Characteristics and Significance of Situational Testing in Process of Proving Discrimination”, implemented by the Association for Democratic Initiatives. The project is financed by the grant program “Equality for All: Civil Society Coalition against Discrimination”.
The manual for situational testing is the first manual in BCS language, and it was made to contribute to a detailed introduction of situational testing, understanding why it is useful to master this method, in which cases should the testing be applied, and how to practically implement it.
The manual consists of two parts: a short theoretical part that explains the notion of testing, its purpose, and provides a short overview of legal framework and history. The second part deals with practical notions of the testing such as methodology, implementation of the testing, including the most typical examples and concrete guidelines on how to successfully conduct the testing.
The Manual in PDF can be downloaded here: Prirucnik_Situaciono_testiranje_diskriminacije