In the period from 28 – 29 June, 2018, in the hotel “Bosnia” in Sarajevo, the second seminar titled “Financial investigations in cases of criminal offenses of money laundering” was held. The seminar was attended by representatives of judicial institutions, police and other institutions aimed at conducting financial investigations in cases of criminal offenses of money laundering. During the two days, the participants had the opportunity to discuss about conducting financial investigations in the fight against money laundering, more efficient cooperation and exchange of information between authorized state authorities, as well as to discuss about communication and cooperation between the state prosecutor’s office and the Directorate for the management of confiscated property in the part of the keeping and management of confiscated property. The seminar was attended by 28 participants/representatives of the mentioned institutions from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Agenda can be downloaded here: Agenda seminar Finansijske istrage u predmetima krivicnih djela pranja novca_Sarajevo
Organizers of the seminar: Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) in cooperation with the Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI) Sarajevo and Transparency Serbia
The seminar was held within the project “Strengthening Investigation and Prosecution Capacities in the Western Balkan Countries – Financial Investigations as a Tool to Combat Organized Crime and Corruption,” funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.